Executive summary As marketing professionals continue Tech investments focused on simplifying the creation and to adapt to the challenges of a volatile distribution of consistent, personalized content experiences economy in 2023, CMOs in particular are becoming more important than ever, as this technology can effectively drive sales, brand awareness, and cost reduction. are prioritizing investments in content Likewise, our survey reveals that reducing agency spend while creation, management, and distribution increasing investments in scalable tech systems that streamline the to position their organizations for content creation process in-house is fundamental for companies aiming to maintain a competitive edge today. future success. By addressing the challenges, solutions, and priorities marketers Our recent survey of 1200+ marketing professionals* has are facing this year, our State of Content report offers valuable found that many businesses in technology and consumer insights for decision-makers looking to cash in on the criticality of goods plan to increase investment in marketing technology content as a differentiator to remain competitive in an uncertain that supports content operations. Our results show that these economic landscape. companies have acknowledged the significance of investing in a connected digital ecosystem able to meet consumers’ demands for content in terms of volume, variety, and velocity across an increasing number of channels. * Conducted with independent research firm PureSpectrum