Finding 1 Most tech and consumer goods companies are increasing or maintaining their investments in content creation and distribution to meet business goals and reduce costs. Content investments help to maintain brand visibility, deliver value to the target audience, build Brands worldwide will brand trust, and secure new keyword rankings, traffic, and shares. Failure to invest in enhancing content operations could disrupt maintain or increase brand momentum and risk losing customers who may not find the brand’s content when they’re ready to purchase—ultimately investments in creating, affecting profits. managing, and According to our data, the majority of marketers worldwide (69%) distributing content consider investments in content creation, management, and distribution a tactical decision to safeguard their finances during uncertain times. When we look specifically at CMOs, we see that interest in investing in content is even higher—with 76% of CMOs within tech and 75% within consumer goods companies expressing strategic interest. Notably, companies operating in both the B2B and B2C sectors report the highest rates of strategic investment in content, with 86% of CMOs planning to maintain or increase investment.