Finding 1 Our research shows that minimizing unnecessary expenses is a significant priority for most organizations. In 2023, CMOs across industries are planning to consolidate their existing martech stacks by identifying and removing redundant or unused services and investing in technology that unites various systems Most brands plan to into a single, integrated environment. By doing so, they aim to develop an effective integration strategy that drives consistency find cost efficiencies by and engagement across the customer journey, while reducing consolidating technology operational costs. systems and/or reducing The numbers show us that the vast majority of marketers (83%) across industries are focused on consolidating their technology agency spend systems and/or reducing agency spend by bringing part of the content creation process in-house and enhancing internal teams’ productivity. The interest is even higher among CMOs in specific industries, with 94% of those in tech companies and a remarkable 100% in consumer brands planning to consolidate technology systems and/or become less reliant on external agencies.